Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Blessing Our Husbands Through Prayer

I just recently taught a ladies' bible class on prayer and one of our topics was about learning how to better cover our husbands completely in prayer.  I would like to share this lesson with you now!  Enjoy (and please do not be hindered by the odd formatting)!
Adapted from “31 Days of Praying for your Husband” ReviveOurHearts.com
I.                     A Responsibility and a Privilege
A.      Paul instructed ALL Christians to pray for one another (Eph. 6:18)
B.      Prayer is good for your home (Prov. 31:11-12)
C.      Satan wants to destroy your husband’s character, leadership, morality, and relationships
D.     Prayer is a way to cover you, your husband, and your marriage from Satan’s snares and to put it in God’s hands
II.                   “She does Him Good” (Prov. 31:12a): Ways to Pray for your Husband
A.      Responsibilities
                                                               i.      Disciplined in Bible study- 2 Pet. 3:18
                                                             ii.      He will practice self-control in his sexuality and yield himself only to you- 1 Cor. 7:2-5
                                                           iii.      He will choose healthy, God-honoring activities and hobbies- 1 Cor. 10:31
                                                           iv.      He will help guard your family against Satan’s attacks-Eph. 6:13
                                                             v.      He will understand the importance of taking care of his body- Rom. 12:1
                                                           vi.      He will surrender his time and talents to the Lord- Eph. 5:15-16
                                                         vii.      He will be a man of prayer- Jas. 5:16
B.      Stewardship
                                                               i.      He will work to Provide for your Family- 2 Thess. 3:10
                                                             ii.      He will Handle Finances Wisely- Heb. 13:5
                                                           iii.      He will make Wise and Practical Decisions about your family’s welfare- Phil. 2:3-4
                                                           iv.      He will balance work and play
                                                             v.      He will pursue only those goals that will bring God glory- Jer. 29:11
C.      Character
                                                               i.      Humble enough to admit sin- Psa. 51:2-4
                                                             ii.      He will be faithful to your wedding vows- Gen. 2:24
                                                           iii.      He will take a clear stand against evil- Rom. 12:21
                                                           iv.      He will be a man of integrity- 1 Tim. 3:7
                                                             v.      He will have a teachable heart- Eph. 6:6
                                                           vi.      He will build you up with his words and not use filthy language- Eph. 4:29
                                                         vii.      His manliness will pattern Christ- 1 Pet. 2:21
                                                       viii.      He will reject materialism and seek Christ first- Matt. 6:33
                                                           ix.      He will be slow to anger and a man of peace- Rom. 14:19
                                                             x.      In times of stress, he will surrender his schedule to the Lord- Psa. 16:11
                                                           xi.      He will resist the temptation to view pornography- Prov. 27:12
                                                         xii.      He will serve God and others with pure motives- Col. 3:23-24
                                                       xiii.      He will recognize the lies of the Enemy and will allow his life to be led by truth- 2 Cor. 10:4-5
D.     Relationships
                                                               i.      He will fear God- Prov. 3:7
                                                             ii.      He will grow leadership skills in your marriage- Eph. 5:25
                                                           iii.      He will safeguard against inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex- Rom. 13:14
                                                           iv.      He will choose his friends wisely- 1 Cor. 15:33
                                                             v.      He will practice forgiveness in your relationship and with others- Eph. 4:32
                                                           vi.      He will be a good father, disciplining and loving his children- Eph. 6:4
III.                 How do we Pray for Ourselves as it Relates to our Husbands
A.      Submission- Col. 3:18
B.      Sexuality- 1 Cor. 7:3-6
C.      Respectful- Eph. 5:33
D.     Reverent Behavior- 1 Pet. 3:1-2
IV.                For the Unmarried
A.      How could these principles still apply if you were praying for your future husband?
                                                               i.      Do you want a man of godly character?
                                                             ii.      Do you want a man who will support and provide for his family?
                                                           iii.      Do you want a man who is a good friend and lover?
                                                           iv.      Do you want a man who is a good father?
B.      How could these principles still apply if you were praying for your ex-husband?
                                                               i.      Do you still hope this man comes to Christ/returns to Christ?
                                                             ii.      Do you still hope this man can be a good father if you have children?
                                                           iii.      Do you still hope this man can have a good reputation?
                                                           iv.      Do you hope that you could reconcile with this man?
V.                  Praying with your Husband
A.      “teaching over a man” does not apply
B.      Aquila and Priscilla taught together
C.      Emotional/spiritual way to be intimate
D.     Knowing you are praying for him is a confidence builder for your husband
                                                               i.      He knows you and God are on his side
                                                             ii.      He knows you are being supportive
                                                           iii.      He feels empowered
                                                           iv.      He feels loved and respected

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