Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Ways to Make Sure you have a Miserable Marriage

We have been wanting to write this post for some time now.  We had a visiting preacher come and speak to us a few months back on "10 Surefire Ways to be a Miserable Person."  As he was speaking, we thought how applicable this is to marriage!  So, thank you Andy Brenton for this idea!

10 Ways to Make Sure you Have a Miserable Marriage

1)You think and talk about yourself as much as possible.

2) You measure your happiness in the amount of money you have and the stuff you have,
BUT- Hebrews 13:5 tells us to "keep from the love of money!"

3)  You do your best to be suspicious and jealous of your spouse.
BUT- Song of Solomon 8:6 tells us that "jealousy is as cruel as the grave!"

4) You are super sensitive, easily offended, and impossible to be comforted.
BUT- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 tells us how love really acts!

5) You don't ever forget a criticism or offense.
BUT- Eph. 4:31 tells us to put away malice and forgive!

6) You think the worst of your spouse, assume they are going to fail you or stereotype them into a role.

7)  You push your own opinions on your sposue to the point of contention.
Are you "being a Pharisee?" (Mark 7:9)

8)  You don't ever forget and don't let your spouse forget all the good you have done
BUT- Prov. 16:18 tells us the humble retain honor!  AND- Matthew 6:1-4 tells us not to do things to be seen by men!

9)  You shirk your responsibilites whenever you can. (Matthew 27:24)

10) You refuse to show mercy or compassion to your spouse. (Mark 11:25)

After this sermon, we were able to sit down and identify where some of these things have crept into our marriage at one time or another.  Misery loves company, but no one loves to be miserable!  So, is it easier to be miserable than to be happy?  The Bible tells us in John 14:6 that the way is Jesus!  We must have Christ-centered marriages and demonstrate the love towards our spouses that Christ and His church demonstrate for one another...love, sacrifice, worship, mercy, compassion!

Prayer:  Lord, help us to be uplifting in our marriage instead of creating circumstances where we make ourselves and our spouses miserable people.  Help our marriages to be ones of happiness that glorify you.

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