Thursday, March 31, 2011


I love my husband. Most people would probably think that is a no brainer. You know how most people will tell you that the "first year of marriage is the hardest"? Well, it was. It was rough. But this past year we had was rougher. We were new, sleep-deprived parents finding less and less time for each other. Unfortunately, this meant that there was more and more time for Satan to find a way to spend time with us. It nearly ate us alive.

Some of it was a surprise. Some of it, not so much. But in a society where it is common to get divorced for any and every reason, and more and more youths not even believing in the institution of marriage anymore, we didn't want to be a statistic. We also don't believe in divorce for any reason. So how do you make a struggling marriage work, and even more than that...make it thrive?

I didn't have these answers six months ago. I still don't have them all today as I sit here writing this post. But, I love my husband. I love my family. I love my God. Knowing all those things made a very difficult and challenging situation easier. I can honestly say that I am experiencing a more fulfilling, exciting, and spiritual marriage than I ever was before.

We have thought and prayed on how we could use our experiences, both good and bad, and share insights from our marriage and from God's word with others. We both felt that God was "calling" us to help others. This blog is the first step in our quest to encourage others to have God-filled marriages and to not just make it work, but THRIVE!

Nathan and I will be posting weekly different articles, thoughts, tips, insights and whatever else we can get our hands on and have the ability to share. We hope that if you find this blog encouraging, helpful or useful to yourself, your spouse, or others you may know, that you pass it on. May God bless you and your marriage.

Prayer: Lord, please bless those that come across this site. May we all hold to the institution that you have created. It is the only institution on this earth that parallels the relationship of your son, Jesus, with the church. May we learn to put aside anything that might encumber us on our journey. Bless our marriages to last a lifetime.

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